
Fact and Rumor.

Amherst plays Wesleyan to-day at Amherst.

There were cuts in Philosophy I and IV yesterday.

Section 4 of English 12 will meet Mr. Wendell to-day in Sever 11.

The New York State colleges have their annual games to-day.

Eighty-nine versus '90 to-day on Jarvis at 4 o'clock.


The nine leaves for New York to-day. They play Columbia to-morrow on the Polo Grounds.

At the annual Andover-Exeter tennis tournament, on Wednesday, the championship was won by Exeter.

The corner stone of the Catholic University of America was laid at Washington on Thursday.

The first league base-ball game in Boston will be played this afternoon between the Bostons and Philadelphias.

The corner stone of the Catholic University of America was laid at Washington on Thursday.

The last theme in English 12 will be due Monday, May 28. Subject: A criticism of the course.

The athletic team leaves this morning on the 11 o'clock train from the Boston and Albany depot.

The following have been elected officers of the Y. M. C. A. for the first half of the ensuing college year: President, J. H. Ropes, '89; recording secretary, E. L. Cummings, '90; corresponding secretary, S. W. Sturgis, '90; treasurer; L. H. Roots, '91; librarian, W. M. Mather, '90.

In the game with Flushing on Thursday, the Yale nine had McConkey in the box and Stagg for shortstop.

The make-up examination for the mid-year examination in Political Economy I will be held Monday, June 18, at 2 p. m. in U. 4.
