The new departure made by the Banjo Club in giving the concert in the yard Tuesday evening was so successful that we hope the precedent will be followed at frequent intervals during the remainder of the college year. We know that the club has been busy during the past few months, but now that nearly all its engagements have been fulfilled, the club might well give the college the benefit of its practice and thus earn the thanks of all. The same remark will apply equally well to the Freshman Glee and Banjo Clubs which have hardly done all in their power to make the evenings enjoyable. The Eighty-nine Glee Club sang very often in the yard and its example was followed by Ninety to some extent. We do not expect the custom violated by Ninety one. The 'Varsity Glee Club have already given a number of concerts in the yard, and more are promised in the near future. The old songs, which are so familiar to most of us and which are for that reason the more appreciated, never sound better than when sung on the steps of Matthews in the early evening. That the efforts of our musical organizations are valued is shown by the large numbers of men who gather to listen and applaud.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.