
Fact and Rumor.

'88 plays '91 to-day on Jarvis at 4 p. m.

The races of the Canoe Club will be held on Monday afternoon.

Dartmouth beat Trinity on Tuesday by a score of 4 to 1.

Blue books for N. H. IV. must be left at room 1, Zoological Museum, this afternoon (Thursday), from 2 to 5.

The elective pamphlet has been approved by the faculty and will be published in a week or ten days.


The referee in the intercollegiate games will be W. B. Curtis, N. Y. A. A., and the judges George W. Carr., A. H. Curtis and F. W. Jansen.

Dohm, of Princeton, has declined the offers of both the N. Y. A. C. and the M. A. C. to a place on their European teams.

By the will of Joseph A. Christman, of Paris, who graduated from Yale in 1857 the sum of $60,000, has been left to that college.

The Glee Club will hold its annual meeting for the election of officers and for important business next Wednesday evening. After the meeting, a short concert will be given in the yard.

Students entitled to a make-up examination in English A in place of the mid-year examination will meet Mr. Briggs in Sever 11, Tuesday, May 29, at 10 o'clock.

Officers of the Harvard Banjo Club for the coming year: President, H. K. Caner, '89; recording secretary, C. Copeland, '89; leader, G. L. Osgood, jr., '91.

The 'Varsity Banjo Club held their first dinner at Young's last Monday. The officers were: H. K. Caner, '89, president; M. O. Simmons, '91, chorister; S. F. McCleary, jr., toast-master.

The Nameless nine of Morgan's were defeated yesterday by table 32 nine of Memorial by a score of 17 to 9. The batteries were Tyson and Vaughn for the Nameless, and Lockwood and Chamberlin for 32.

Professors W. M. Sloane and W. B. Scott will represent Princeton in the celebration of the eight hundredth anniversary of the founding of the University of Bologna.

The Montreal Lacrosse Club has formally accepted the Cambridge Club's proposition for an international match and the clubs will meet in Montreal on Saturday, June 23.

The following were elected into the Canoe Club at its last meeting: R. W. Bush, '89; T. R. Akin, F. C. Cobb, R. L. McDuffie, S. L. McLeod, H. G. Vaughn, H. E. Warren, '90; F. R. Bangs, F. H. Curtiss, M. Williams, jr., '91.
