
Yale Letter.

NEW HAVEN, May 16, 1888.

The question at present of greatest interest to Yale men is whether the new recitation building is to be erected on a site such as to practically destroy the "fence" or no?" The money for the new hall was given by an unknown donor with the express provision that it be situated on the corner by the "fence." Every effort is being made to secure a change in the conditions. A large mass meeting of the students was recently held at which resolutions were unanimously adopted protesting against the proposed plans, and a committee composed of undergraduates from the different classes were appointed to obtain the views of the alumni upon the subject. Over six thousand letters have been sent out and the replies are now pouring in. As a rule they are strongly in favor of retaining the "fence" at any cost. These letters and resolutions will be brought before the corporation at their meeting next Saturday, when definite action will be taken.

The spring regatta which was held at Lake Saltonstall last Saturday was a very pleasant affair. The principal event of the afternoon was the race between the junior, sophomore and freshmen crews, which was won by '90. The juniors secured a slight lead at first, but in their first spurt their bow had the misfortune to break his oar, which practically threw '89 out of the race. The contest between '90 and '91 for first place was exceedingly close throughout, each being alternately ahead. Ninety-one came in only a second behind '90. The University crew also entered the race and gave an exhibition pull, beating the sophomores by about a boat's length.

The examinations for the undergraduate departments begin June 7, and our commencement this year will come on June 27. The theological school closes to-day, the baccalaureate sermon this year being delivered by Dr. Walker of Hartford.

The spring athletic games yesterday proved reasonably successful notwithstanding the rain and unfavorable condition of the field. One Yale record, that of the mile run, was broken by Harmar, '90, whose time was 4m. 32 2-5s. The previous record was 4m. 36 4-5s.

The Glee Club have been unusually active during the past few weeks, having given concerts at New York, Poughkeepsie and Waterbury. The concert at New York was given in be half of the Navy and the receipts which proved very satisfactory, will aid in defraying the expenses of the crew.


