It is understood that there will be a half-course in clocution next year.
The season of promenade concerts in Boston Music Hall begins this evening.
Yale plays Columbia this afternoon in New York.
There were cuts in Phil. I and IV yesterday.
There are 292 entries for the intercollegiate games next Saturday.
The '90 nine plays the Exeter nine at Exeter today.
Dartmouth plays Trinity today at Hartford.
The games of the New England Intercollegiate League take place to-morrow at Worcester.
The spring race meeting of the Country Club will be held at Clyde Park on May 26 and 30 and June 2.
The Institute of 1770 has its annual dinner this evening at the Parker House. Just ninety men have signed for the dinner.
The following were the officers elected at the last meeting of the Conference Francaise:- President; S. A. Bayer, '89; vice-president, C. Hunneman, '89; secretary, C. Copeland, '89; treasurer, H. F. Strout, '90; chairman of the executive committee, Prof. A. Cohn.
The 'Varsity Banjo Club gave a very enjoyable concert in the yard last evening. It is hoped that they will repeat the performance.
The Teachers' Cooperative Association, 8 Hawley St., Boston, advertises for teachers for high and grammar schools, beginning next September.
In giving the names of officers of the Union in Monday's issue, the president should have been C. M. Thayer, '89, and not as was published.
Page, the champion high jumper, has been offered $3000 a year by Buffalo Bill to give jumping exhibitions in his Wild West show.
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CLASS DAY, JUNE 23, 1876.