The seventh number of the Advocate which appeared Saturday is in some respects a departure from the previous numbers of this year. The editorials are mainly devoted to the athletic question and its recent developments.
"Prometheus Fired" treats of the old athletic question in a very new and original manner. Portions of this socalled lost Play of Aeschylus are very clever and well written. The work is, however, very uneven in point of merit. The charge of the Archon Eponymous is by far the brightest and best written scene of the play. The plot lacks continuity and hence fails to some extent in its purpose.
"At the Game" is one of the daintiest pieces of short verse which the Advocate has published for some time.
Among the Topics of the Day the "Sentimentalist," the frequenter of Cornhill second-hand book-stores figures in a short, well-written essay. "Prescience," though a graceful piece of vorse, can hardly be said to impress one with a true poetic feeling.
In the sketch entitled "Carmen" the writer has made use of that vivid, nervous, fascinating style so well adapted to the Spanish scene which he pictures
The first two chapters of "Bird Tavern" are better than the third, both in point of style and in the development of the plot. There is a suggestion of the improbable toward the end. The story, however, is as a whole interesting and deserves a commendation.
"Captain Peter" is a very touching story of an old man's love. The scene is laid in one of the old Berkshire hill towns. The plot is realistic and the treatment excellent; the style, however, would be more effective were it in parts less choppy.
"The College Alphabet" is decidedly unworthy of the Advocate, and does not deserve a place in its columns. Book notices and the Advocate's Brief complete the seventh number.
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