
Fact and Rumor.

Eighty-nine plays '91 at 4 p.m. on Jarvis.

The University of Pennsylania plays Cornell to-day at Philadelphia.

Technology class day comes on May 28.

Dr. Edward Everett Hale preached to the students of Cornell last Sunday.

There will be no recitations in Music 3 during the remainder of this week.


The senior promenade at Yale takes place on the 25th of June.

Bowdion has the youngest college president in the United States, he having graduated in 1879.

The "History of Yale Athletics," by R. H. Hurd, was published on Saturday.

The junior promenade at Wellesley will take place on Friday evening, May 25, 1888.

Nine eight-oared crews have already entered for the Harlem River regatta, which will be held on May 30.

Dr. A. P. Peabody will preach the annual sermon to the Phillips Exeter students.

A fellowship in architecture with an income of four hundred dollars will be established at Princeton next fall.

The blue books for the final examination in Political Economy 1 must be handed in on Wednesday.

Six of the Greek letter fraternities at Dartmouth have held prize speaking contests, the Faculty acting as judges.

T. P. Conneff, the Irish champion, has challenged E. C. Carter for a match race for any distance from one-half to five miles.
