
Harvard, 8; Lehigh, 0.

Harvard won the second game in the championship series with a clean score of 8 to 0. The Lehigh team was even more at our mercy than was Harvard at Cornwall's mercy on Friday, and it took scarcely ten seconds after the game began for Blodgett to throw the first goal. From that time on the score rolled up steadily, and almost every man on the attack had a chance to throw a goal. Blodgett made two more goals, Hewes three, and Kilvert and Towle one each, The defence did not have much work to do, and soon got into a careless style of playing which will prove disastrous if indulged in at Princeton. Harvard's team play was good, and some fine dodging and passing was done by Blodgett and Griffing. The play of the visitors was poor at all points, and their throwing was especially weak. Reese, the captain of the Lehighs, did by far the best playing for his side, and it was due to him that the score was not higher than eight. The teams were made up as follows:

Harvard. Lehigh.

Drake, goal, Zahuiser.

Stedman, point, Reese.

Griswold, cover point, Grammer.


Pulsifer, defence field, Carson.

Griffing, defence field, Barrett,

Towle, defence field, Barnard.

Wells, centre, Morrow.

Kilvert, attack field, Graham,

Rourke, attack field, Cope,

Blodgett, attack field, Anderson,

Hewes, homes, Clarke,

Huntress, homes, Mish.
