
Tenth Anniversary of the "Exonian."

Owing to lack of space, a report of the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Exonian, of the Phillips Exeter Academy has not been given before in these columns. On Saturday evening all past editors, who live within a convenient distance of Boston, together with the members of the present board, assembled at a dinner given at Parker's. The affair was eminently successful and many schemes were advanced for furthering the best interests of the periodical. It was suggested that the paper be next year enlarged and published semi-weekly; and it is more than probable that this suggestion will be carried into effect. Very many pleasing reminiscences of the early days of the Exonian were related by former editors, and the long past vicissitudes and victories of the paper were rehearsed with a great deal of enthusiasm. After several formal toasts were responded to, and a motion carried for all the editors to hold another reunion ten years hence, the meeting adjourned.
