
Rules under which the Class Races will be Rowed.

The crews will be at the Brookline Bridge, ready for the class race on Wednesday, May 2d, promptly at 5p. m., at which time the draw will be opened for them to pass.

The stern of each shell will be held from a boat attached to a rope stretched across the river. Boats 75 ft. apart. Please take the position assigned you as promptly as possible.

As soon as the shells are in position as above, one long whistle will be blown, as a preparatory signal.

Thirty seconds after this signal three short sharp whistles will signify "are you ready?"

(If any crew is not ready, the coxswain will hold his hand up high in the air, and after a pause, the three whistles will be repeated).


Should no hand be seen the final starting signal (a gun shot) will be given, and may come at any moment after the three whistles.

To recall the shells (if necessary) the Referee's tug will stop and the second barrel of gun will be fired, but there will be no recall after 10 strokes have been rowed.

The finish line is the imaginary prolongation of the face of the brick wall on the west side of Otter street, Boston. Shells will cross this line between Beacon street and the judge's boat, which will bear a flag.

Except as above, the race will be governed throughout by the Laws of Boat Racing as adopted by the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen.

Should the weather necessitate postponement, notice will be sent to the college boat house as early in the day as possible.

In order that crews may be properly clothed as quickly as possible after the finish, it is suggested that each be provided with a bag to be passed down the boat before the start to receive all sweaters, and c.

Bags may be passed on board the referee's tug, "William Sprague" and will be handed the crews at the finish.

By order of the Executive Committee, H. U. B. C.

OFFICERS OF THE RACE.S. S. Eaton, referee of the course.

Joseph Lee, judge at the finish.

E. C. Storrow and J. G. Lathrop, timekeepers.

J. J. Storrow, jr., judge for '88.

H. W. Keyes, jr., judge for '89.

W. H. Brooks, jr., judge for '90.

W. Alexander, jr., judge for '91.

The crews will be started promptly at 5.15 p. m. Eighty-eight has the course nearest the wall, '89 next, '90 next, and '91 has the outside.
