
Alpha Delta Phi.

The Alpha Delta Phi society will hold its fifty-sixth annual meeting in New York on May 3 and 4, under the management of the Executive Council of the fraternity. The executive sessions will be secret, and will take place in the Masonic Temple. On the evening of May 3, there will be public literary exercises in the Metropolitan Opera House, and on the evening of May 4, Delmonico will provide the annual convention dinner, tickets for which will be $6 each. George William Curtis, Everett P. Wheeler, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, and the president, Hon. Joseph H. Choate, will speak at the public exercises. The graduate members of the society will give a reception at the house of the New York Graduate Association, No. 427 Fourth Avenue. The committee on arrangements is composed of the following gentlemen: Benjamin W. Franklin, chairman; Robert F. Bixby, Alfred L. Manierre, George N. Messiter, J. V. V. Olcott, Edward Bailey, Arthur Doremus, William M. K. Olcott, for the Manhattan Chapter; William B. Rankine, Robert S. Rudd, Edward M. Shepard, Henry L. Sprague, for the Executive Council; Jarvis R. Fairchild, Thatcher T. P. Luquer, Dwight Taylor for the Columbia Chapter
