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Today the University nine plays Yale at New Haven and the freshmen play the Yale freshmen at Cambridge. In the game at New Haven, the splendid work of the nine has given us every reason to hope for victory. The men will feel the disadvantage of playing on foreign ground and encountering the well-known Yale enthusiasm today. Yet we want to see them show determination and steadiness from the beginning of the contest till the end, and we hope that the large contingent of Harvard that will go to New Haven with the nine will support the team in every legitimate way. With careful and sharp playing on the part of the nine, and with hearty enthusiasm on the part of the supporters, we think that we can win.

We cannot speak with the same confidence in regard to the freshman game. If Ninety-one wins the game it will be through a steadiness and attention such as the nine has hardly yet shown, but we hope that the importance of the occasion will call out those qualities. Remember, Ninety-one, you are fighting for more than personal or even class glory. The whole college watches you in your contest today. See that you do not disappoint it. In conclusion, we offer to the nines our hearty encouragement in the work of the day.
