
The University Bulletin.

The Harvard University Bulletin for May, edited by Mr. Justin Winsor, has appeared. It is of great interest as giving in a compact form information concerning the work of the Corporation and the Board of Overseers. A number of bequests are announced, notably that by Mrs. Ellen Gurney of $75,000 and that by Dr. Asa Gray of the copyrights of his books. Mention is made of the long and useful service of Professor Lovering, whose resignation is to take effect September 1, 1888. Besides the reports the Bulletin contains additions to the Harvard necrology as published in the Quinquennial Catalogue, a descriptive catalogue of the new books received by the various libraries connected with the University, a catalogue of the Dante collection, and a calendar of the Sparks' manuscripts of the Revolution in the library. These latter have been carefully arranged and indexed, and form one of the most valuable collections of manuscripts in existence. The Bulletin shows that the various departments of the University have been very active during the past quarter.
