INSTITUTE OF 1770.- Sign at Leavitt's for the dinner on May 23d.
INSTITUTE OF 1770.- Photograph tomorrow at 1.30 p. m., at the back of Sever.
Y. M. C. A.- The meeting this evening will be addressed by Prof. Wright. Every member is especially invited.
'VARSITY CLUB.- The club will not be photographed till the first week in June.
THE '90 nine please be on Jarvis at 3.30 today, ready to play '91.
F. B. MCKEAN.FOUND.- An umbrella in Sever 23, probably left by a member of French 3. It can be obtained upon application at Sever 20.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- The club will be photographed at Pach's on Friday, at 2.30 p. m. promptly. Bring instruments. No dress suits,
J. M. HOWELLS, Sec.GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN SODALITY.- Members who have not already settled their accounts at Sever's are requested to do so today without fail.
A. D. HODGES, Secretary.PACH'S ROOM PHOTOGRAPHER will be here Tuesday, May 22, and remain three days. The men who have made engagements will please have their rooms as near ready as possible.
PHOTO COMMITTEE.PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS.- Will everyone, who has not yet voted, cast his ballot in the box in Leavitt and Pierce's, or in the Auditors's room at Memorial, In order that everyone may vote the boxes will not be removed until 8 o'clock tonight.
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Special Notice.