

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.- It is wellknown that the games of the 'Varsity lacrosse team are not so well attended as those of the nine and foot ball team. The reason is equally obvious. Usually the games of the lacrosse twelve are played against local teams of no great reputation or interest to the college at large. Frequently, indeed, games have been played on Jarvis with teams that were positively distasteful to the college. In other words the teams were such as could justly be termed "muckerish." It was, however, not because of the muckerish affiliations of the players that such teams were brought here; but simply because the collegiate championship must be won. These twelves were the best unprofessional teams about Boston. They were as strongly objected to by the players as by the college; and the blame rests on the shoulders of the college at large and not on the team. The championship had to be and was won. Since the students neglected both to subscribe for the expenses of the team, and to go to the games, it was impossible to bring teams of gentlemen from Canada or the middle states for practice games. The lacrosse twelve was told to make bricks without straw, and it did its work well. Boston is an exceptional city as regards lacrosse. Here alone the game is not in the hands of gentlemen. Thanks, however, to the efforts of recent Harvard graduates, a rigorous movement is on foot to start at least one, if not two, teams amongtheir number, who shall play the 'varsity team and others. Elsewhere the teams are supported by their gate receipts, and cannot afford to travel without a prospect of having their expenses paid. But here, since there are no gate receipts, these expenses must be paid by subscription. The fact that in the past there were neither gate receipts nor subscriptions for the lacrosse team sufficiently explains their failure to schedule interesting games.

In view of the increasing interest shown in the game this year, the management have decided to try the experiment of bringing to Cambridge teams of repute as players and as gentlemen. It is a costly experiment, however, and gate receipts alone will not pay the travelling expenses of visiting teams as well as of our own. It is only by subscriptions that the management can secure the necessary funds. The desire has been shown to see games with teams of reputation. Friday, the champions of the world for last year play on Jarvis, and it is incumbent on every man who has the athletic interests of the college at heart not only to subscribe liberally beforehand but to be on Jarvis Friday afternoon to support and cheer the team which for three successive years has brought the championship to Harvard-last year without a goal scored by her opponents.

