

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30. Bring all music.

THE blue book for the signatures for the Institute dinner will be at Leavitt's until next Monday.

THE sophomore nine please be on Jarvis at 2 p. m. today; also meet at 7.30 p. m. in 6 C. H.

F. B. MCKEAN.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Last meeting of the term this evening at 7 o'clock. Address by Rev. Charles H. Learoyd of Taunton.

FRESHMEN wishing to go to banquet after the Yale game, Saturday, must sign blue book at Leavitt and Peirce's before Saturday.


THE Institute of 1770 will be photographed on Friday, May 18th, at 1.30 sharp, at the back of Sever Hall.

COMMITTEE.FOLLOWING men meet at Leavitt and Peirce's at 11.30, ready to go to Exeter: Mason, Dean, Corning, Nichols, Codman, Slade, Cummings, Crosby. Guerin. Train leaves B. and M. station at one o'clock.

THE following men will be on Jarvis at NINE (9) o'clock SHARP to play with the CRIMSON nine against a picked team: Richardson, Paine, Fitzhugh, J. W. Merrill, Newell, E. A. Darling, Poor, Akin, Hunneman, Hebard.

PACH'S ROOM PHOTOGRAPHER will be here Tuesday, May 22, and remain three days. The men who have made engagements will please have their rooms as near ready as possible.

PHOTO COMMITTEE.JUNIOR CLASS NINE.- Morgan, Smith, Thayer, McPherson, Raymond, Magee, Clark, Litchfield and Joline will be on Cambridge Common at 3.15 sharp to day to play a practice game.

CHARLES DOWNER.HARVARD CRICKET CLUB.- The following will play against Longwood this afternoon and will meet the barge at Bartlett's at 1.20 sharp: Brown, Frost, Quimby, Paul, Norman, Bayer, Keyes, Dexter, Sullivan and Ellis. Substitutes, Myers, Judson.

GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN SODALITY.- All unsold tickets must be returned to Sever THIS MORNING. No member will be credited for tickets returned after 12 o'clock. Members are requested to settle up their accounts today without fail.
