'89 have sold their old shell to a club in Boston.
Exeter holds its spring games on Saturday.
Section V in English 12 will meet Mr. Wendell today at eleven o'clock.
The class game was postponed yesterday on account of the rain.
The CRIMSON nine will play a picked team on Jarvis this morning at 9 o'clock.
Mr. Cummings will be in S. 5 on May 29th or 30th to return all third-hour exercises in English A.
The postponed game between tables 33 and 36 will be played this morning at 11 o'clock on Jarvis.
A sneak thief was caught yesterday morning in a room in Beck Hall, but could not be held on account of lack of evidence.
The rooms of the Cambridge Social Union were crowded last evening to hear the concert given by the Glee and Banjo Clubs. The efforts of the clubs were heartily applauded.
The result of the voting in the college for president of the United States will be announced at the Union Debate on Friday evening.
Trinity plays Wesleyan to-morrow at Hartford, and Princeton plays the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
The 'varsity lacrosse team plays a graduate team this afternoon, the Cornwalls, champions of the world, on Friday, and Lehigh on Saturday.
At a meeting of the Historical Society, held last evening, Professor Ephraim Emerton was elected president for the ensuing year, and Herbert H. Darling, '89, secretary and treasurer.
Yale beat Amherst yesterday at Amherst by a score of 5 to 4. Amherst batted well, but Yale won the game by her magnificent base-running. Stagg pitched for Yale. Base hits-Yale, 5; Amherst, 12.
The assertion made in the last Saturday evening Gazette that Captain J. H. Sears spoke in favor of limiting intercollegiate contests to Yale, at a meeting of the Harvard Union, is entirely unfounded. Captain Sears was not even present at the meeting, and therefore could not have made any such speech.
A book has been placed at Leavitt and Peirce's for the signatures of those who intend to accompany the nine to New Haven next Saturday. If enough men sign, a reduction in the fare will be made. As the reduction will be proportioned to the number of men, it is hoped that all who can afford to accompany the nine will do so.
For the remainder of the year, there will no third hour exercises in English A. In place of these exercises a theme must be left at 9 Thayer on or before May 29. The subject must be an outline or summary of some important work of an author treated in Professor Hill's lectures. The theme must be from four to six pages in length.
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N. Y. A. C. Games.