

FRESHMAN NINE will be on field promptly at 3 p. m.

GUITAR CLUB.- The picture will be taken at Pach's today at 1.30.

T. S. BEECHER, Secretary.SOUTHERN CLUB.- The dinner will be at the Parker House on Monday, May 21st, at 7 o'clock. Price $2.50. Pay at the dinner.

COMMITTEE.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Members are requested to be at Robert's (upper) Hall at 7.30 tonight. Concert begins at 7.45. No dress suits. Rehearsal tomorrow night at 7.30.

THE following sophomores will be on Jarvis today at 2.50 sharp to play the freshman lacrosse team: Morton, Brewster, Keeler, Pulsifer, Blaney, Rourke, Wells, Thorndike, Hecht, Hewes, Henshaw, Spencer and Haskell.


GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN SODALITY.- All unsold tickets must be returned to Sever's by Wednesday noon. No member will be credited for tickets returned after that time. Members are requested to settle their accounts as soon as possible.
