MEMBERS of class of '85, Phillips Exeter Academy, are requested to meet at 7 o'clock this (Monday) evening at 3 Matthews.
E. C. BATES, Sec'y.H. P. C.- There will be a meeting in the Brattle street rooms this evening (Monday) at 7.30.
GEO. T. KEYES, Sec.GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN SODALITY.- All unsold tickets must be returned to Sever's by Wednesday noon. No member will be credited for unsold tickets returned after that time.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The rehearsal this evening will begin at SEVEN instead of 7.30, as previously announced. The Social Union concert in upper hall Roberts Building, tomorrow evening, will begin at 7.45. Rehearsal Wednesday at 7.30.
LOST.- From the ante-room of Sever 11, on Saturday morning, May 12th, a Mackintosh, light colored, with cape attached (inside lining a large red check). If brought to 28 Mellen St., a reward will be given and no questions asked.
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Hasty Pudding Club.