The nine has won the second game in the championship series and has proved conclusively what steady practice and faithful training can do. We congratulate the members of the nine on their excellent work of Saturday, and we feel hopeful in regard to the championship. However, there is one thing to be guarded against; it has often been the stumbling-block of Harvard teams. We mean over-confidence. Yale on her own ground is a dangerous opponent, and such an opponent we shall have to contend against next Saturday. Harvard is now at the head of the intercollegiate league and it remains to be seen whether she can continue to hold her own. Only the most careful attention to work can enable her to do so; not the slightest means of improvement consistent with the restrictions of the faculty should be omitted. We have little fear on this score, but a word of warning is never out of place. Meanwhile, in thanking the nine, collectively and individually, for their splendid work thus far, we only voice the unanimous opinion of the undergraduates. May their future efforts meet with the same success, and may they capture the intercollegiate pennant for Harvard.
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