The Boylston Prize speaking of last Thursday marked a great change in the style of declamation which has hitherto prevailed at Harvard Formerly every speaker was more or less prone to strain the natural effect of his address by an abundance of gestures and a pretentious oratorical display, thus sacrificing much of the intrinsic beauty of the piece. The speaking of night before last was characterized by coolness, simplicity and force; the gestures were few, but showed a careful judgement and the intonation was wonderfully clear. In one or two cases the coolness degenerated into coldness, and where the subject is not a thrilling one this is the risk with which the present system will have to contend. This new mode of public speaking has been introduced by Mr. Hayes, the present instructor of elocution, and to him the excellence of the declamation is in great measure due. Certainly no one can complain that the pieces were too long, but brevity in speaking is much more satisfactory to the audience than the other extreme.
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