By means of intercollegiate matches of one kind or another, the University of Pennsylvania has of late been brought into closer relations with Harvard. In the foot-ball and cricket, annual games between the two universities have been arranged, and yesterday the Shooting Club had a chance of trying its strength against a picked team of four from the same university. As the score shows, the match was a very close one, but the superiority of the visitors was so evident as to leave but small room for controversy as to the respective abilities of the two teams. We are glad to see such a friendly rivalry as now exists so well established, and though a shooting match may not create as much enthusiasm as a base-ball game, certainly the enjoyment of those who take part in it is fully as keen as in any other sport. The dinner which was tendered the visiting team last night denotes a spirit of friendship which always adds to the pleasure of a successful trip, and the pop of the champagne cork undoubtedly did much to recall the experiences of a pleasantly spent afternoon.
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