
The 'Varsity Lacrosse Team Defeat Cambridge.

On Saturday afternoon, the 'Varsity lacrosse team played a match with the Cambridge team. The make-up of the teams was as follows:-

Harvard. Cambridge.

Drake, goal, Payne,

Stedman, point, Clacy,

Griswold, coverpoint, Bruce.


Griffing, defense, McRae,

Pulsifer, defense, Manning,

Towle. defense, Phillips.

Wells. centre, Beckwith,

Davidson, attack, Morton,

Blodgett, attack, Huntress,

Rourke, attack, Crocker,

Kilvert, attack, Clancy,

Thorndyke. attack, Noyes.

The ball was placed in the centre of the field at quarter-past five, and almost immediately a sharp attack upon the Cambridge goal began. Several unsuccessful "tries" were made, but so well did the defense of Cambridge play that a goal was not scored until after twenty minutes of hard play. The second goal was made by Harvard in less than two minutes. Both teams played hard and well for the remainder of the first half, but only one more goal was scored, and that was made by Blodgett for Harvard. After a rest of five minutes play was resumed. The ball was now most of the time in Cambridge's territory, and the goal was constantly menaced. The second half resulted in four more goals for Harvard, and were it not for the good playing of the Cambridge goal tend the score would have been much greater. Harvard's goals were scored as follows: First goal by Towle; second goal by Towle; third goald by Blodgett; fourth goal by Towle; fifth goal by Wells; sixth goal by Kilvert; seventh goal by Davidson. Harvard was far superior to her opponents in team play, and the passing by the attack men was specially good at times. However, there is a great tendency on the part of the men to crowd in towards the goal. This draws in the opponent's defense and hinders the "try at goal." On the whole the play was sharp and at times even brilliant. Wells and Griffing distinguished themselves in the defence. The playing of Towle and the dodging of Blodgett and Davidson were the other features of the game.
