The fourth number of the Advocate comes out today. It is fairly up to standard of the Advocate and is certainly an interesting number.
What is most noticeable in reading the editorials and the "Topics of the Day," is the number of questions of vital interest to the college touched upon.
First comes a plea for professional base-ball training, then the policy of confining athletic contests to Harvard and Yale; next the unpopularity of Lacrosse, and the proposed change in the date of the Class Races, while after all follows an answer to Tenebo's article in the las; number. Topics of the Day contains an article from some unknown person who differs radically with Mr. Leighton on the question of college expenses. We think that has position is right in the main.
The second paper on "Class Crews Past and Present" is as bright and interesting as the first. These twin articles have been a great addition to the Advocate's column and we regret to hear the author's announcement that he has "crossed the line and let her run."
Mr. Sempers' poem "Solipsismus" is a strange piece of poetry. The lines are graceful and the metre is smooth, but the idea is obscure and hard to grasp. "Arcady" is a charming sketch of a bit of New England country life as seen from the car window. It brings clearly to our mind the typical New England farm. "Nemesis," a bright little poem of love, cards and capricious fortune, follows.
"An Incident of the West" is as pathetic a story as has appeared in the Advocate for sometime. The story is very naturally told and the dialect with one or two exceptions is consistently carried out. "Dogtown" is a story of much the same style. It is doubtful whether it is well to have two articles of this kind in the same number. The story is well written, but lacks originality. A short poem, "Guidance," is a very pretty bit of verse. It is not an ambitious attempt, and perhaps the more successful for that reason. It is simple in thought and the effort is pleasing. Some book notices and the Brief make up the number.
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