
Rival Concerts at Newton.

As the Easter recess comes at the same time at Yale and at Amherst, the Glee Clubs of these two colleges made engagements to sing at Newton within a week of each other. This caused considerable rivalry and not a little ill feeling among those who had the matter in charge, and the partisans of each college went to work vigorously to make their concert the more successful. Even the local papers took sides. The Journal called attention to the fact that it was not the Yale 'Varsity Glee Club, but the Apollo Club, which was advertised to sing at Newton, and predicted that Amherst would give the better entertainment. The Graphic replied by publishing an article which, with delightful modesty, assured its readers that Yale would be ashamed to support a musical organization that was not at least as good as the Amherst Club.

Saturday night the Amherst boys sang to a large and enthusiastic audience, and they feel confident that Yale cannot equal their success when they give their concert Wednesday evening.
