
On the River.

The beautiful days of last week, succeeding the stormy weather, were thoroughly appreciated by the rowing men, and the crews got in considerable good work. Everything is now in running order at the boat house, the floats are adjusted, and from four until six o'clock daily five crews may be seen on the river. The crews as a whole did better work, as soon as they took to the water, than is usual, owing to the fact that there are comparatively few entirely new men. The eights are now pretty definitely picked out, and there will doubtless be little change in their make-up.

The University crew was a few days behind the class crews in leaving the gymnasium for the river, and on the water did not at first row as a crew. They are now seated in the barge as follows: Stroke, Alexander, L. S.; No. 7, Davis, '89; No. 6, Tilton, '90; No. 5, Finlay, '91; No. 4, Markoe, '89; No. 3, Trafford, '89; No. 2, Carpenter, '88; bow, Storrow, '89 (captain). The substitutes are Gorham and Perkins. Some member of the governing committee is with the crew each afternoon, and does the coaching. The new English pair-oar usually accompanies the crew with another coach and the substitutes. The crew has rowed so little thus far that the work is very rough and no estimate of their rowing ought to be made as yet. There are but two men in the boat who have rowed a four mile race. Mr. Pebble, 91, is the coxswain.

The three upper-class crews are working very earnestly. These men, with one or two exceptions, have rowed before, and they are doing unusually good work for so early in the season. They are getting together quicker than is usually the case, and they, together with the freshmen, will make a very pretty race in about four weeks. The seniors, who are rather conservative in their style as compared with the other crews, are rowing strong and pretty well together. The juniors are a little rough, but are rowing confidently and well. The sophomores are rowing the smoothest.

The freshmen are pulling a sort of man-of-war stroke at present. They are working in the right spirit, however, and an improvement in their rowing is easily seen from day today. There are some good men in the boat, and the crew is without doubt big and strong enough, despite the reports to the contrary. Just now their oars are in the air all the time except during a very vigorous catch, but this is always noticeable in a green crew.

The vacation will in no way interfere with the work on the river. The crews:-


SENIORS.- Stroke, Hale (captain), 150; 7, Butler, 161; 6, Bradlee, 168; 5, Appleton, 165; 4, Williams, 161; 3, Churchill, 180; 2, Porter, 155; bow, Tooker, 153.

JUNIORS.- Stroke, Perkins, 153; 7, Perry, 165; 6, Hebard, 168; 5, Hight, 156; 4, Dustan, 157; 3, Parker (captain), 163; 2, Keyes, 176; bow, Smith, 152.

SOPHOMORES.- Stroke, Herrick, 160; 7, Hutchinson, 164; 6, Hartridge, 159; 5, Sanford, 165; 4, Sturgis, 164; 3, Tyson, 158; 2, Crowninshild, 145; bow, Crehore (captain), 142.

FRESHMAN.- Stroke, Bishop (captain), 140; 7, Randall, 147; 6, Longworth, 172; 5, Longstreth, 176; 4, Cumnock, 164; 3, Hammond, 161; 2, Williams, 155; bow, Woodworth, 150.
