SENIOR NINE will be on Jarvis at 3 sharp.
B. W. PALMER.PIERIAN SODALITY.- The rehearsal will commence at 7.30 tonight.
T. T. SEELYE, Secretary.CANDIDATES for the sophomore nine will meet on Jarvis hereafter at 2 p. m. sharp.
THE Junior Class nine will practice on Jarvis Field at 2 p. m. sharp. Per order of captain.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Regular rehearsal this afternoon at 4.30 in Robert's Hall.
A. D. HODGES, Secretary.H. A. A.- The entries for class meetings close this evening at 9 o'clock. Dr. Sargent will be at his office to examine contestants this afternoon from 2-4.
HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Regular meeting this afternoon at Watertown. Car leaves at 1.30.
D. C. HOLDER, JR., Secretary.THE barge leaves Bartlett's at 2 o'clock sharp for Williamstown. The train leaves the Fitchburg depot at 3.
THORNTON WOODRURY, Manager Harvard Nine.A freshman tug with places for about forty men will follow the class races. Those wishing to go on it may sign the book at Foster's. Price $1.50 and 75c. extra if the race is postponed.
H. S. A.- Shingles of the Harvard Sparring Association can be obtained at 24 Holyoke by past and present members on payment of fifty cents.
F. P. CLEMENT, Secretary.CONFERENCE THEATRICALS.- There will be a public performance of the play on Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Dane Hall. Admission 50 cents. Tickets will be on sale at 18 Stoughton every day from 3-6 p. m.
S. A. BAYER, Secretary.
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