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Diligent inquiry has revealed to us the pleasant information that up to date the manager of the freshman nine has actually arranged for the large number of half-a-dozen baseball games, all of which are to be played on Saturdays. Overwork is not usually the bane of freshmen baseball managers, but perhaps the present one seems an exception. It is interesting, though perhaps a trifle provoking, to know that no games whatever have yet been arranged for other days of the week. Such laxity is certainly deserving of the severest censure. The baseball season has now been open for the past three weeks, and during all this time only one game had been provided for-that with Andover, last Saturday, which could not be played on account of the inclement weather. At this rate the freshman nine may possibly be able to play four games before it will meet the team from New Haven; and still some people are so foolish as to wonder why Harvard does not win. Every afternoon, after three o'clock, Jarvis Field is for the exclusive use of the freshman team, provided it is to meet some other nine. This right was never bestowed upon the freshmen from pure philanthropy, but in order that the team should be enabled to get all the practice they could without outside interference. Dates for Wednesday should be made witn teams in the neighborhood of Cambridge, as all freshman teams have hitherto done, and the class games will help fill up the other days of the week. Upon the manager rests a grave responsibility, for by practice games only can a team be brought into any sort of shape for the test of paramout importance, the two games which every member of '91 looks forward to, to uphold the athletic honor of his class. If '91 expects to incur anything but disgrace, it is just about time to arrange for games on every date that can possibly be filled. The freshman class has started out well in its career with the football victory. Will it content itself with that, and let the baseball championship go to Yale? The answer lies in great part with the manager, the rest devolves upon the captain and the team.
