
Fact and Rumor.

Allen, '86, was on the field yesterday afternoon catching Luce's pitching.

Professor Cohn will probably resume a few of his courses next week.

Dr. Hart resumed his courses yesterday.

The spring term of the University of Pennsylvania begins today.

The first year nine of the Law School defeated the third year nine by a score of 9 to 6, Wednesday afternoon.


Yale defeated Amherst on Wednesday by a score of 7 to 4. Hits, Yale 4, Amherst, 9; errors, Yale 9, Amherst 8.

Dr. Sargent was out on the road yesterday afternoon riding a rowing tricycle.

The Law School Nine will play the Seniors on Jarvis, Saturday morning at 11.

The '88 class nine played the Exeter team at Exeter, Wednesday, and were defeated by a score of 15 to 9.

At the Bicycle Club meeting, Wednesday night, it was voted to have the road race on Friday, May 11. Hunneman, '89, was elected an honorary member and H. D. Croly a regular member.

An amusing incident occurred at the reception tendered to the Glee and Banjo Clubs after their concert at Fall River, Wednesday evening. The hall, which was lighted with electric lights, was suddenly thrown into pitchy darkness in the midst of a mazy waltz. Imagination pictures the tender scenes that followed without the aid of electric lights.

The Writer, recently started by Robt. Luce, has reached a circulation of 11,000.

Mr. Edwin Porter, Yale '82, has given two fifty-dollar silver challenge cups to be contested for by members of the Yale Athletic Association.

Following is the schedule of class games: May 3, '88-'91; May 8, '88-'89; May 10, '89-'91; May 11, '88-'90; May 14, '90-'91; May 15, '89-'88; May 17, '90-'91; May 22, '89-'91; May 24, '88-'91; May 25, '89-'90; May 28, '88-'90; June 1, '89-'90.

The uniforms for the 'Varsity nine have arrived. It consists of crimson jerseys with white H, crimson stockings, crimson and black hats, blazers and belts, grey knickerbockers and black shoes. The combination makes a very tasteful uniform.

The election for directors of the H. D. A. resulted as follows: W. C. Boyden and E. T. Sanford from the Law School; W. W. Nolen, from the Graduate Department; J. C. Perkins, from the Divinity School; G. H. Holliday and C. Hunneman, from '89; F. S. Duncan and G. R. Payson, from '90; L. C. Page and H. Tallant, from '91.

The following is the programme for this week's regular symphony concerts: L. V. Beethoven, Overture (Leonore), No. 3. Two Duets and Terzett from the Second Act of "Fidelio." The Ninth (Choral) Symphony. Soloists: Mme. Lilli Kalisch-Lehmann, Miss Louise Meisslinger, Mr. Paul Kalisch, Mr. Emil Fisher.

In the National Academy of Sciences, at Washington, Wednesday, Professors Burch, Langley, Gould, Meigs, Pickering and Remson were elected members of the council for the ensuing year. The Draper medal was awarded to Professor E. C. Pickering, of Harvard, and the Smith medal to Professor H. A. Norton.
