The Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton, California, has been finished at last and will soon be formally made over to the State University. The long, delicate work of making and mounting the enormous telescope has been successfully accomplished. A defect in the movement of the revolving floor of the dome will be remedied by means of four hydraulic rams which will move the floor at the rate of a foot per minute. The observatory has been provided with the best and most perfect astronomical instruments, including a spectroscope having a prismatic field of thirteen feet. More than $600,000 have been spent and only $100,000 remain of the original fund. The expenses for repairs and salaries will be about $50.000 annually, which will be a heavy drain on the resources of the university. A few days ago two moons of Mars, with diameters of only thirty miles, were plainly seen. It is expected that this is merely the first of a long series of important observations and discoveries through the great telescope.
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