In spite of the cold wind, a goodly number of spectators were at the boat house yesterday to see the crews go out.
The tide ran very low indeed, and those of the crews were obliged to wade knee-deep into the water to launch their shells.
Mr. Harry Keyes, '87, coached the junior crew yesterday, and will probably do the same every day until the races.
Cumnock is stroking the freshman crew and Williams is rowing No. 2. Bishop, the captain, is ill at present, and Randol will be acting captain until the class races, after which it is expected Bishop will resume his duties.
All three of the Graduate Boating Committee were at the boat house yesterday watching the crews, and Mr. Peabody went out with the 'Varsity; Mr. Watson coached the freshmen from a working boat.
Schroll is now rowing in the 'Varsity baot, and Finlay, whose place he took, is rowing with the freshmen.
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