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We had occasion a short time ago to criticize severely the ungentlemanly conduct of certain freshmen in Prof. Lovering's course. We find by a communication which appears in to-day's issue that this loose behavior is not by any means confined to the course in physics, but pervades to a lesser extent several other freshman courses. Some freshmen evidently lack the wit and common sense to understand that because they are not forced to act in a certain manner during lectures, that they are perfectly free to abuse this privilege howsoever they see fit, "from rolling pennies down the aisle," to reading papers and talking. To men who are given to such practices as these, it may be entirely futile to point out to their callous sense of honor that they not only show the greatest disrespect to their instructors, not only waste their time and utterly loose sight of the prime object of a man's entering college, but also become exceedingly obnoxious to a large majority of the class. The only way to crush out this disgraceful disposition on the part of a few is for public opinion to make it so hot for them that they will either keep away entirely or be constrained to act decently and respectfully when they do appear in the class-room.
