EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- The intolerable behavior of a certain few freshmen in class rooms has recently become so noticeable as to warrant an exposure of their ungentlemanly conduct. The nuisance of which I speak consists chiefly in reading and rattling newspapers and carrying on conversations distinctly audible to every one about. These actions are not only annoying to the instructors, but they are also the cause of much discomfort to every one else in the room. The men who behave thus cannot be aware of the injustice of their conduct, and the one way to suppress such proceedings is for their classmates not to treat the matter so leniently by imputing the disturbances to ignorance and improper training. It is high time that the crudities of the new men have disappeared, and if the atmosphere of the college is not sufficient to bring this to pass, certainly the admonitions of instructors and advice of friends should be enough to end these evils.
C. R.
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