
The Atlantic Monthly.

The CRIMSON has just received the May number of the Atlantic Monthly. The new issue is remarkable for not containing a single bit of verse. The articles continued from the former number are "The Aspern Papers," by Henry James; "Yone Santo," by E. H. House, and "The Despot of Broomsedge Cove," by Charles Egbert Craddock. Mr. Cook concludes here his papers on the marriage celebration with "Reform in the Celebration of Marriage."

Agnes Repplier's article, "The Cavalier," is a plea for the dashing cavalier who fought for the King against the roundhead Puritan. "Po' Sandy" is a story in the negro dialect by C. W. Chestnut. Following this comes an interesting account of the American Philosophical Society by Annie H. Wharton. "Cicero in the Senate," by H. W. Preston, is so carefully prepared that it might well serve as a short history of the great orator. Herbert Tuttle gives us an account of the Emperor William. The student of fine arts will be interested in reading "Mr. Ruskin's Early Years." An article of real value is that on "Charles Brockden Brown," the first American novelist. The name is so seldom heard at present that the pioneer of American fiction is almost forgotten. The "Contributors' Club" and "Books of the Month" close the number.
