
Fact and Rumor.

Dr. Brooks will conduct services in Appleton Chapel to-morrow evening.

Boyden and Henshaw will be the battery in to-day's game with Trinity.

The Harvard Law Review for April came out yesterday.

Phillips Andover Academy celebrates its one hundred and tenth anniversary today.

Yale plays Wilkes-Barre today at New Haven, and Amherst plays the Worcester team at Worcester.


Minister Phelps has written to the Yale Kent Club saying that he can not accept their invitation to lecture.

Professor Davis, after finishing his course of lectures in Boston, went to Ohio, where he will remain for several months.

The plan of having Monday for a holiday instead of Saturday, has been tried at Cornell with great success.

At the voting contest for the shell, in New York, Harvard was ahead till the last five minutes, when Columbia bought 300 votes and won by 250.

All who intend to make a specialty of geology are invited to a consultation next Wednesday with Prof. Shaler in the Agassiz Museum at 4.30 p. m.

Mr. Foster has earned the gratitude of '91 by placing a new whirligig sign in his window. It will doubtless furnish a valuable relaxation for the freshmen in their arduous grinding of the next two months.

Seventy-five out of every hundred freshmen who enter Yale graduate; while Harvard graduates seventy-four out of every hundred.- Yale News.

A base ball farce is soon to be produced at a New York theatre, of which the hero is "Eli Yale," a college pitcher turned professional.- Yale News.

Prof. E. B. Andrews, of Brown University, has been called to the chair of political economy and finance at Cornell University at a salary of $4000.

P. D. Trafford, '89, has been elected boating correspondent of the CRIMSON in place of F. C. Woodsman, '88, resigned, and T. W. Balch, '90, has been elected cricket correspondent.
