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The men training for the Mott Haven team were greatly annoyed yesterday afternoon by the action of some persons crossing the track on Holmes Field on the way to the base-ball ground. A steady stream of people kept pouring over the track when the various races were in progress, and many obliging individuals stolidly insisted on passing over directly in front of the runners, without changing their slow pace or seeming in any way affected by what was going on. During the bicycle race especially many individuals appeared utterly regardless of the feelings of the riders, and Mr. Lathrop was often compelled to call to persons to keep off the track. Another cause of dissatisfaction was experienced from the attitude of some of the lookers-on who would continually step over the wooden sides bounding the track and interfere with the movements of the contestants. Although we understand that so long as base-ball games are played on Jarvis, practice for a while on the track will be somewhat impeded, still if a little more courtesy and regard for the rights of others are shown by those going to the ball games, much of the annoyance caused can be averted.
