
Fact and Rumor.

Yale plays the Jersey City professional team to-day at New Haven.

The spring meeting of the Country Club will be held at Clyde Park, May 26, 30, and June 2d.

Ex-Congressman Frank H. Hurd of Ohio addressed the Yale students, Wednesday evening, on Tariff Reform.

After next week there will be only one lecture a week in N. H. IV, and that on Wednesday.

S. C. Manley, has been appointed official scorer for the 'Varsity nine for this year.


Brooks, '87, is coaching the sophomore crew, and Storrow, L. S., is coaching the senior crew.

The Yale Consolidated nine defeated the freshman nine Wednesday afternoon by a score of 14 to 0.

A mathematical library, similar to the Political Economy library in University, will soon be opened in Sever Hall.

Men are reminded that applications for rooms must be in by one o'clock, May 3. The drawing takes place May 5.

Edward E. Floyd, jr., a former member of the junior class, died at sea on the 26th of February last. Taken sick in his sophomore year, he withdrew from college and decided to take a trip to sea. Last fall he started on a voyage around the world. During the months after his start, he gradually grew worse, until in February he died and was buried at sea.

The members of the graduating class of the Law School are requested to hand their commencement parts to the Dean before May 1.

Noyes, Yale's short stop, in a game with the Bridgeports on Wednesday sprained one of the cords in his leg so badly that he will unable to play for some time.

The college Y. M. C. A. is represented in nearly 300 institutions in the United States, Canada, Japan, China, India, Ceylon and Syria, and has a membership of over 11,000 students.

Number forty-six in the series of pamphlets which G. P. Putnam's Sons are issuing under the title of "Questions of the Day," is "Property in Land: An Essay on the New Crusade," by Henry Winn. The author reviews the most striking arguments in Mr. George's "Progress and Poverty," and states clearly his reasons for believing in the present social system as one of substantial justice.

At the annual meeting of the Yale University Boat Club, Wednesday night, officers for the season of 1888-89 were elected as follows: President, L. F. Snipe, '89; vice-president, S. A. Hartwell, '89; secretary, R. F. Harrison, '90; treasurer, Prof. Wheeler; auditing committee, Profs. Brewer and Richards, and A. M. Mosle, '89.

The Boston Rovers, who through organizing so late in the season were debarred from competing for the cup offered by the American Foot-Ball Association, have challenged the Fall River Rovers, winners of the trophy, to one or a series of games for the championship of America. Game to be played on neutral ground.

Captain Sears speaks as follows in regard to the playing rules of the association foot-ball game: "There is no immediate prospect that the association game will be adopted by the Intercollegiate Foot-Ball Association. Our present game is made up of the best points of both Rugby and association foot-ball, and I think it unsurpassed by either. We take the team of eleven men and the rushing from Rugby, the goals, touchline and kicking from the association rules, and, besides, we have added and improved wherever we have found it necessary. Our present rules are, therefore, very nearly perfect."
