Y. M. C. A.- Mr. Richard Henry Dana, jr., will address the meeting tonight. All are invited.
CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- Meeting of the society this evening, 7.30 p. m., in Upper Dane Hall.
S. A. BAYER, Secretary.ALL those wishing to try for the 'Varsity tug-of-war team will meet in the basement of the gymnasium at three o'clock Thursday afternoon.
E. A. PEASE, Captain.DR. SLADE will read a paper on "The genesis of the Teeth in the true Ungulates," before the Zoological Club, tonight. The doors of the Museum will be open from 7.15 till 7.30 p. m.
ANY who want to go to Andover with the freshman nine Saturday, can get reduced rates by sending their names to me.
H. P. WILKINSON, Holyoke 41.BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a run on Friday afternoon to Auburndale. All those who have machines are requested to join. Start from University at 3 o'clock.
R. S. BALDWIN.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Hereafter and until further notice, there will be regular rehearsals Mondays at 7.30 and Fridays at 4.30, except tomorrow, when the hour will be half-past three.
A. D. HODGES, Secretary.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The club will hold its regular shoot this afternoon at Watertown. A new series matches will be opened. Car leaves 1.30.
D. C. HOLDER, JR., Secretary.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The Club will give an additional performance in the Union Hall, Boston, Saturday, April 28. Tickets will be on sale at 9 Weld Saturday next (April 21) from 10 a. m. to 12 noon, and at the Parker, Vendome and Adams House on and after Monday. No tickets will be exchanged.
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