
Fact and Rumor.

Vaughan rowed No. 2 in the '90 boat yesterday.

The Ohio Club of Yale had its annual supper last evening.

Professor Agassiz has returned from a week's absence in New York.

Wendell Baker, '86, the famous sprint runner, was in Cambridge over Sunday.

The Columbia class races will be rowed on May 12.


Trinity plays the University of Pennsylvania team to-day.

Boyden and Henshaw will probably be the battery in to-day's game with Holy Cross.

The gravel tennis courts on Jarvis and Holmes fields were well patronized yesterday afternoon.

A copy of "Yale and Her Honor-Roll in the American Revolution" has been presented to the library by the author, Henry Phelps Johnston.

The communication in yesterday's CRIMSON concerning graduate fellowships contains an error. The words "nine scholarships" should be eighteen scholarships.

Professor Goodale gave the seventh lecture in his course at the Boston Natural History Rooms yesterday morning,

The Princeton Club of New York city gave a reception to President Patton at the Hotel Brunswick, Thursday night. Dr. McCosh and President Patton delivered addresses.

The lecture this evening by Mr. Abbott on "The training of the College and Law School as a preparation for the profession of the Law," will be one of great interest.

We regret to announce that Assistant Professor Cohn met with a serious and painful accident last Saturday. In attempting to stop a runaway horse, he received a compound fracture of the jaw, which will necessitate his absence from his college work for some time. Professor Bocher and Mr. Sumichrast will take charge of his classes. There will be no recitations in French 11 this week.
