The endowment fund of Harvard College will receive a large addition by the will of the late J. Sumner Wheeler of Framingham, Mass. Mr. Wheeler graduated at Harvard in the class of 1826, and at the time of his death was president of the Framingham National Bank. The amount of the bequest will be $25,000 if the entire estate amounts to $250,000, and $50,000 if the whole estate is $300,000. The use of the income is not restricted by the will, but is left to the discretion of the president and fellows, though by a codicil added five years after the execution, it is directed that a part of the income shall be applied, if needed, to the support of religious worship on Sundays and other days.
The original clause in the will, which is dated December 18, 1882, is as follows: "In case the inventory of my estate, as returned to the Probate Court having jurisdiction of my will, shall amount to $250,000, I give to the president and fellows of Harvard College the sum of $25,000, the same to be kept as a separate fund, and the income thereof to be used in such manner as in the judgment of the president and fellows will be most advantageous for the purposes of the college in any of its departments, and should such inventory amount to $300,000, then I give said president and fellows an additional sum of $25,000, making the sum of $50,000."
The later codicil is dated May 7, 1887, and reads as follows: "By a codicil to said will which bore date Dec. 18, 1882, I gave to the president and fellows of Harvard College certain amounts of money on the contingency therein set forth, which codicil I hereby confirm, and I direct that so much of the income of any sum or sums of money that shall be received by said president and fellows under the provision of said codicil as shall be needful shall be applied to the support of religious worship on Sunday and other days, as the said president and fellows shall deem requisite for the purpose, and any surplus of income not so applied shall be added to the principal of the fund or used in such manner as the president and fellows shall deem most advantageous for the purpose of the college."
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