By the will of the late Mr. Wheeler, of the class of '26, a large sum of money has been bequeathed to the college. For the past few years Harvard has been especially fortunate in being so generously remembered by those whose success in life has been in a certain measure due to the education it has afforded them, attesting their appreciation by giving financial aid to smooth the path of that large class of young men who have the desire, but not the adequate means, of obtaining the advantages of a collegiate training. They recognize how much more real good can be done by leaving their property to an institution which has proved its fitness to survive by an existence of over two hundred and fifty years, instead of trying to found some new school of arts or science. But the last legacy is one of particular value, because of the great freedom left to the trustees as to the disposal of the funds. In most bequests the true worth of the endowment is often seriously affected by the restrictions which are put upon its disbursement, but Mr. Wheeler had the good sense to leave it to the discretion of the college authorities as to the manner in which his money should be used. His intention was to put the money where it would do the best service in advancing the interests of the college. By the second codicil of the will provision is made to apply such a part of the sum "as may be deemed requisite" to the maintenance of religious worship, the surplus is unrestricted. It is by the munificence of such men as Mr. Wheeler that Harvard is enabled to offer special advantages to all, and to extend a helping hand to those who need it. Nothing touches us more deeply, and nothing is more worthy of gratitude, than to see the confidence and trust which graduates place in the usefulness of their Alma Mater.
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