H. S. Wilkinson will manage the freshman nine.
Sunday's Boston Herald had a very good article on the Hastings dormitory.
Professor Cohn has been seriously ill, but will be able to meet his classes to-morrow.
Base-ball games Saturday: Bostons, 6, Baltimores, 1; Washingtons, 18, Princeton, 7.
In Greek B the Medea of Euripides will now be read, and in Greek C the "Clouds of Aristophanes."
There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board to-day in the Sanctum at 1.30 p. m.
Dr. Brooks will conduct prayers until April 21st, and will be at Wadworth House every week day from 9 a. m. to 12 m. to consult with the students.
Holden, '88, has begun to practice sprinting with the candidates for the Mott Haven team. In his freshman year he made very fast time in the 100 yards dash.
The representation of the French comedy by the Conference Frangaise will take place on April 26 in the presence of members and their friends only. The dramatis personae will include Chandler Davis, '88; M. B. Clarke, '88; E. L. Blossom, '88; C. Copeland, '89, and H. M. Paul, '88.
The Columbia College boat house has been moved from the west shore of the Harlem River at I58th street, to the east shore just above the Madison avenue bridge.
The following members of the Yale Intercollegiate athletic team went to a training table Saturday: Sherrill, Berger, Robinson, Sherman, Harmar, Lane and Hanson.
The first of the three world's championship bicycle races between Howell of England and Rowe of the United States was won by Howell on Saturday, who made the five miles in 15 minutes 37 1-5 seconds.
An extremely interesting and valuable article on "Journalism as a Profession for Young Men" will be contributed by James Parton, the biographer of Horace Greeley, to the May number of The Writer, the Boston magazine for literary workers.
The new board of editors of the Princetonian is as follows: R. D. Breckenridge, '89; E. Y. Robbins, '89; R. E. Speer, '89; W. B. Chase, '89; J. Hunter, '89; D. W. McCord, '89; W. C, Prime, '90; C. D. Brackett, '90; J. S. Van Cleve, '90, and H. McNinch, '91.
The work of the Egypt Exploration Fund Society is now recognized in Europe and America as of great importance. The results of the explorations and researches, conducted at comparatively little expense, are shedding light on secular and biblical history, on the sciences, arts and industries of past ages, and particularly on the early sources of Greek art. In order to deepen the interest in this work, and to create an interest in the cause as well, a public meeting will be held in Boston on the afternoon of April 19, at which the Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D., of Cambridge, will preside.
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Interclass Debate.