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The success achieved by the Hasty Pudding Club during its recent theatrical tour is indeed gratfying. The enthusiasm shown by the audiences in Philadelpia and New York proved conclusively that there exists in those cities a love for old Harvard which burns as warmly as in Boston itself. The criticisms of the press were without exception of a highly complimentary and almost flattering nature, even if two of the large dailies in New York went so far astray as to print the title of the play as "The Bean, the Belle and the Bandit" and "The Bear, the Belle or the Bandit." It is customary, however, for the daily newspapers to wander so far from the truth in reporting everything connected in any way with Harvard that these trifling irregularities can be easily pardoned. The alumni interested themselves to make the stay of the members of the theatricals as pleasant and agreeable as possible, and for thier efforts in this direction the thanks of the college are due. It only remains to be seen whether with the three performances that are to be given in Boston next week the management will be able to turn over to the 'Varsity crew a handsome surplus to keep it out of its present straitened condition.
