

GUITAR CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 1.30 o'clock.

CANDIDATES for the freshman nine will be on Jarvis at 2 o'clock sharp.

H. W. BATES.Y. M. C. A.- The meeting this evening will be at 6.45. All students are invited.

FOUR TICKETS for Pudding Theatricals wanted. Anywhere. Any night will do.

L. SULLIVAN, 23 Little's Block.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Tickets will be on sale in 9 Weld daily from 11 to 12. There are yet a number of good seats left.


GEORGE B. LEIGHTON.HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- There will be rehearsals of the club, Thursday and Friday evenings at 6.45 p. m. Both of these rehearsal are very important and every member must be present and prompt.

H. U. B. B. C.- Season tickets for 1888 are now on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's. There will be only one ticket this year-a $5.00 ticket-admitting holder to all games in Cambridge and entitling him to reserved seat and score card.

THORNTON WOODBURY, Manager Harvard Nine.THE following questions will be presented to the Union tonight:

Resolved, That the English system of balloting should be introduced into this country.

Resolved, That the Beck amendment to the above bill, now before Congress, should not be passed.

Resolved, That a reduction of the tariff would hurt the wage-earner.
