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The last and shortest term of the college year begins to-day. The slow, uneventful winter term is over at last, and from now until July there will be ceaseless activity. The nine has already begun its practice games; the crews are on the river; the track is in good condition; the lacrosse team is on the field; the tennis courts are being laid out, and everything points to a very lively spring. The spring term is the pleasantest part of the year. There is always something to do or to see. The class races, the H. A. A. games, the base-ball and lacrosse championship games, and finally Class-day and the New London races crowd hard upon each other. Our outlook in athletics in good but not nearly as good as it should be. We must work if we would win. The University at large must show its interest in the work of the teams, by attending the practice games, and thus encouraging the men to do their very best for the honor of Harvard.
