

No Headline

We cannot agree with our correspondent of yesterday in his bitter denunciation of the base-ball management. The gentlemen who form that management are doing everything in their power to get the faculty to allow our nines to play against professionals, and if it does not seem best to them to start a petition, we should not find fault with them for that and denounce them as if they were employing no other means to obtain the desired result. They are the best judges. As a matter of fact, we have been assured by the management that they have been very far from idle. And simply because they do not choose to tell us just what steps they have taken is no reason for saying that they are doing nothing. The communication urging us to start a petition and our own editorial on the subject, were merely suggestions to be followed or not as the base-ball management saw fit. Outsiders should restrain themselves and not rush blindly into invective against a management chosen by representatives of the college, who probably know very well what is best for Harvard's interests in base-ball. We say all this to vindicate the base-ball management. It does not mean that we believe them always to be in the right. But we believe that, in this case, the attack was unjustifiable, and as such, to be refuted. It is not pleasant for men who are conscientiously doing their duty to be abused without rhyme or reason. If we are not satisfied with what the base-ball management do, let us by all means grumble. But let us not accuse them of idleness when we know nothing about it.
