
Fact and Rumor.

The Lampoon was out yesterday.

Horticultural Hall, Boston, contains a troupe of performing seals.

T. S. Woods, '90, has gone to his home ill with the measles.

Members of '89 foot-ball team may take their cups from Leavitt and Peirce's after 12 o'clock to-day.

The "Bohemian Girl" will be given by the Boston Ideals at the Boston Theatre this evening.


The sarcophagus containing the body of Alexander the Great has been discovered at Saida.

Both the Guitar Club and the Glee Club held rehearsals yesterday afternoon.

The moot court at the Law School at 3 o'clock this afternoon will be held before Professor Gray. The case of the plaintiff will be presented by E. J. Brooks and E. A. Whitelaw; that of the defendant by C. C. King and E. M. Welch.

The Yale crew has been rowing on the harbor since the 21st of February.

Cornelius has given $2,000 to Vanderbilt University of Tennessee, to have its school of engineering enlarged.

Prof. Palmer will read the fourteenth book of Homer's Odyssey in Sever 11, at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

In English C, the thesis will count twice as much for the year as the forensic.

The book of signatures for the Hasty Pudding Club dinner will be removed from Leavitt and Peirce's at noon to-day.

Henry Lee, A. M., lectured in the Divinity School Chapel last evening on "Ministers as seen by a Layman."

The sale of duplicate books at the Divinity School takes place every afternoon at 2 o'clock.
