The concert given in aid of the crew by the Glee Club, Pierian, and Banjo Club last night was a great success. Nearly every seat was taken in the hall of the Boston Young Men's Christian Association, and all the clubs made an exertion to give a satisfactory concert. The tickets were sold mostly by private subscription, and the result was an audience which gave the clubs a very warm reception and demanded an encore for nearly every number on the following program:-
Overture-Italians in Algiers (Rossini).
College Songs-Schneider's Band; Man in the Moon; Der Jungling.
Vassar Galop (Banjo Club).
The Bird and the Rose; the Jolly Musician.
Reverie-Violin solo (Vieuxtemps)-N. Longworth, 91.
March from Suite (F. Lachner).
Waltz (Banjo Club).
College Songs-Little Tycoon; Bill of Fare; Alexander.
'Cello Solo-J. Loeb, '88.
On der Schoenen Blauen Donan Waltzer (Strauss.)
At just this time of the year the different clubs are at work on new music for the spring concert, so the program reminded one of past times, but showed the result of careful work. The quartette of the Glee Club met with especial favor. It is but fair to the retiring leader of the Glee Club to repeat what a man remarked who has heard all the concerts for several years: "It was the best singing the Glee Club ever did." The Pierian played but twice, and received a warm response. The Banjo Club, as usual, made a decided hit. The two soloists, Mr. Loeb, '88, and Mr. Longworth, '91 were both encored. The managers are to be congratulated for the success of the affair, though the musical clubs get the credit of presenting the crew with something over $500, thus materially aiding their financial condition.
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