
The Outlook for the Yale Crew.

The efforts that are being made at Yale to put a victorious crew on the water this year surpass all those of previous years. The score in the number of races won by each college in the Harvard-Yale senies is now even, and the vim and energy-which the candidates for the crew are putting in their work shows what importance they attach to the old race at New Haven. The candidates have just gone to the training table. The men who are trying for places in the boat are Captain Stevenson, Carter, who was starboard last year; Woodruff, and Wilcox, the bow oar in last year's boat. These men will be in the coming crew. Hurd and Cross, the two substitutes in 1887, are also training for this year's crew and they stand very good chances of getting seats. The new men to the 'Varsity boat who are in training are James, who was captain of the freshman crew last year; Corbin, the captain of the foot-ball team; Hartwell and Newell of last year's freshman crew, and Harrison and Brewster, two new men.

Caldwell, the famous stroke of the last two years, is now in the Theological School, and he has so far persisted in his determination not to row. Carter, the starboard stroke of last year, is the best now in training for the position, and there is a probability that he will stroke the boat, unless Cald well is finally prevailed upon to row. Carter, however, is wanted in his old position. There is little doubt that Wilcox will be the bow oar again this year. Capt. A. L. Cowles of the '86 crew, and Capt. John Rogers of the '87 crew, are both still in the University, and an effort has been made to get them to row. So far it has met with no success. If Caldwell, Cowles and Rodgers would all consent to go back into the boat Yale could put a crew on the water that would be almost invincible.
