The games held Friday and Saturday evening in New Haven by the Yale Athletic Association and the Second Regiment of the Connecticut National Guard were as satisfactory as an indoor contest on a short track can be. The Harvard team acquitted itself well, winning two first and two second prizes out of the six events for which men were sent. On Friday evening Miles, '88, won the half-mile easily in 2.08 1-2, off the 36-yard mark. Davenport, '90 (15 yards) and Cogswell (scratch) were fourth and fifth respectively. Lloyd of Yale (45 yards) was second.
The pole-vault was won by F. C. Walcott of Yale (1 ft. 3 in.), with an actual vault of 8 ft. 9 in. F. Mason, Harvard (1 ft. 3 in.), took second prize with an actual of 8 ft. 6 in. Shearman of yale (scratch) vaulted 9 ft. 6 in.; Leavitt of Harvard (scratch) 9 ft. The floor was so slippery as to make good vaulting almost impossible.
The only other event Friday evening which was of especial interest to college men was the tug-of-war between Columbia and Yale. Yale got the drop by an inch and held it for two minutes. Then Columbia brought the centre over the scratch and held it until the very end of the time, when Yale took an inch and a half and won by that amount.
On Saturday evening the games were much more interesting, as a large number of well-known amateurs came up from New York to compete.
The first event was the 440-yards dash, for which there we 40 entries. The final heat was won by A. J. Parker of Yale (15 yards) in 59 secs. Sentillion of Yale was second. No Harvard men were entered in this event or in the running high jump which followed, and for which there were 27 entries. This was won by H. L. Williams of Yale (11 in.) who, with his handicap, jumped 6ft. Shearman of Yale (6 in.) was second with an actual jump of 5 ft. 5 1-2 in.
The mile walk was given after much discussion to R. M. Raymond of the Worcester High School; (45 sec.) The time was 7 min. 40 sec. F. A. Ware, of the Manhattan Athletic Club, was second. Ware was claimed a winner by several of the judges.
In the 50-yards dash there were 59 entries, including E. C. Moen, '91, and E. B. Bodley, L. S., from Harvard.
Moen (9 ft.) in his trial heat ran even with Sherrill of Yale (scratch) after almost slipping down in the middle of the race. In the second trials Sherrill was distanced. Moen won the final heat in 5 3-5 sec. Robinson, of Yale, (6 ft.) was second.
In putting the shot there were ten entries. Lambracht, of the Manhattan Athletic Club, (scratch) put it 21 ft. 10 in. Hunt of Yale made 37 ft. 8 in. Pennypacker of Harvard, 36 ft. 2 1-2 in. Woodruff of Yale 36 ft. 1 in. The first prize was won by Young of the Manhattan Club, with a handicap of 8 ft. 9 in. Hunt, (4 ft. in) was second. Owing to the neglect of the managers to give sufficient information to the handicapper, Hunt of Yale appeared to the programme with a handicap of 10 ft. As soon as the previous performances of the men were ascertained this was changed to 4 ft. 6 in.
The mile run was made by Lloyd of Yale, (80 yds.) in 4 min. 44 1-4 sec. Davenport of Harvard (30 yds.) was second and Skillman, of the Manhattans (scratch) third. Other entries were T. P. Conneff, M. A. C., (scratch) and Harmar of Yale, 12 yds. Davenport ran a very pretty race passing all competitors, and leading for 3 laps, till the last lap, when he was passed by Lloyd. The time was very good for a 16-lap track.
The other men who contested for Harvard were J. B. Paine, '91, in the mile walk and F. B. Dana in the mile and half-mile runs.
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